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PPG: Terms of Reference
Title of the Group: The Staunton Group Practice PPG
- The Group shall be called the The Staunton Group Practice Patient Participation Group (referred to as PPG in this document): It will be affiliated to other organisations with similar charitable objectives)
1. Aims of the Patient Participation Group (PPG)
1.1 To facilitate good relations between the Staunton Group Practice (referred to as the 'Practice' throughout this document) and patients by communicating patient experience, interests and concerns and providing feedback to the Practice on current procedures and proposed new developments.
1.2 To work collaboratively and positively with the Practice to improve services and facilities for patients and to act as a sounding board for Practice staff on issues affecting patients.
1.3 To build two-way communication and co-operation between the Practice and patients, other individuals and organisations in healthcare, and the wider community to the mutual benefit of all.
1.4 To act as a representative group to support the Practice and influence local provision of health and social care.
2. PPG Structure and Membership
2.1 Membership of the PPG shall be open to all registered patients. Membership will reflect the patient profile and be widely representative and inclusive of different genders, ethnicities, ages and abilities as required in the GP contract.
2.2 All registered patients of the Practice are automatically members of the PPG. Removal of a patient from the patient list will mean that he/she will cease to be a member of the PPG.
2.3 The PPG will be non-political and non-sectarian, and will at all times respect diversity and exemplify its commitment to the principles contained within the Equality Act and its subsequent extension to age.
2.4 The carer of a patient registered with the Practice can be a member of the PPG even if he or she is not a patient at the Practice.
PPG and PPG Committee
2.5 The Practice will be represented at PPG meetings by one or more partner (or, as is currently the case, the caretaking Practice) and the Practice Manager.
2.6 The Practice will appoint member(s) of staff to coordinate PPG activities and provide administrative support to the PPG. This includes, but is not limited to: Communicating by email and post (as required) with PPG members; preparing agendas for PPG meetings as agreed with PPG Chair; taking notes of PPG meetings; updating PPG notice board and Website; coordinating and administering the Virtual PPG together with nominated PPG members
2.7 The PPG shall have other posts created by the PPG.
2.8 The PPG may also co-opt into membership up to 3 persons that are neither registered patients or carers of registered patients, for terms of up to one year at a time, on a two thirds majority vote. The PPG may also revoke the membership of any person that has been so co-opted by a single majority vote. Voting should be carried out in the absence of its subject.
2.9 The PPG will hold regular meetings. To maintain an active PPG, any PPG member who fails to attend three consecutive PPG meetings may be deemed to have resigned. The PPG will extend an open invitation to Practice staff to attend its meetings as agreed with the Practice Manager.
2.10 The PPG shall normally not exceed twenty members. Between the Annual General Meetings, the PPG may co-opt individual members if needed to ensure that the PPG is fully representative of the patient community.
Virtual PPG
2.11 To support the PPG and extend its reach, the Practice will establish an online group to be called the Virtual Patient Participation Group (VPPG). Any patient may volunteer to join the VPPG. The Practice will regularly contact the VVPG in order to obtain their views on specific matters. A member of the Practice will be made responsible for liaising with the VPPG and nominated PPG member and ensure that no one is excluded. There will be a standing item on the PPG agenda reporting any key themes, issues or suggestions that have been identified by any member of the VPPG to help ensure its members are engaged. Notwithstanding the above, any patient may send views and suggestions directly to the PPG.
2.12 Members of the VPPG will follow the same Code of Conduct as those in the PPG that meets face-to-face (see Appendix a: Code of Conduct). VVPG members who are able to volunteer at the Practice will also sign and abide by the Confidentiality Agreement (see Section 9)
3. Management of the Face-to-Face PPG and the Virtual PPG
3.1 The PPG shall meet face to face no fewer than four times a year.
3.2 In the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair, those members who are present shall elect a Chair from among the attendees.
3.3 Meetings are subject to a quorum of five members of the PPG. Apologies for absence should be sent to the Chair or appointed Practice Staff member prior to the meeting. In the absence of any apologies or available explanation, any member recorded as not attending meetings may be deemed to have resigned from Face-to-Face PPG. The resulting vacancy can be offered to another registered patient.
3.4 The PPG may invite relevant professionals or patients to specific meetings. Any such persons shall respect the confidentiality of the PPG.
3.5 Decisions shall be reached normally by consensus among those present. However, if a vote is required, decisions, except where detailed above shall be made by simple majority of those present and voting. In the event of a tied outcome, the Chair may exercise a casting vote in addition to his/her deliberate vote. Consideration of the views of members of VPPG will be taken into account.
3.6 The appointed Practice staff member shall produce minutes of meetings to be considered and approved at the following meeting of the PPG. Draft minutes will be distributed to members who attended (or apologised for not attending) the meeting within 7 days of a PPG meeting. Approved minutes will be sent to members of PPG and VPPG and made available to all via email or post, and displayed on the PPG notice board and placed on the PPG section of the Practice website.
4. Annual General Meeting
4.1 Membership of the Face-to-Face PPG should be for no more than three years at a time and elected at the Annual General Meeting. The same time limits shall apply to the terms of office of the officers.
4.2 The Chair of PPG, together with the Practice Partners and Practice Manager will convene an Annual General Meeting open to all registered patients and carers before the end of the selected month each year. The date, venue and time shall be published at least one month prior to the meeting by means of a notice in the Practice waiting room and on the Practice website.
4.3 Officers of the PPG in post and members of any Working Group will notify the Chair at least one month prior to the date of convened Annual General Meeting if they intend to step down from their position.
5. Confidentiality
5.1 All members of the PPG (including the Face-to-Face and Virtual Groups) must be made aware of the need to maintain absolute patient confidentiality at all times. Any member whose work on behalf of the PPG includes work in the Practice or consulting with other patients or members of the public should sign and return a copy of the Practice's Confidentiality agreement before undertaking any such activity.
6. Code of Conduct
6.1 All PPG members, Practice staff and caretaking practice’s staff must abide by the Code of Conduct shown at Appendix 1.
7. Activities of the PPG
As required in the GP Contract 2015/16 sections 5.2.1 to 5.2.6, the PPG will:
7.1 Make reasonable efforts during each financial year to review its membership in order to ensure that it is representative of the registered patients in the Practice.
7.2 Review any feedback received about the services delivered by the Practice with Practice staff and relevant members of the PPG with a view to agreeing the improvements (if any) to be made to those services.
7.3 Contribute to decision-making at the Practice and consult on service development and provision where appropriate, expressing opinions on these matters on behalf of patients. However, the final decisions on service delivery rest with the Practice.
7.4 Act as a sounding board to provide feedback on patients' needs, concerns and interests and challenge the Practice constructively whenever necessary, also helping patients to understand the Practice viewpoint.
7.5 Communicate information which may promote or assist with health or social care.
7.7 Explore overarching ideas and issues identified in patient surveys.
7.8 Act as a forum for staff to raise Practice issues affecting patients, or for input into any operational issues affecting staff, so that patients can have their views on Practice matters taken into account.
7.9 Act as a forum for ideas on health promotion and self-care and support activities within the Practice to promote healthy lifestyle choices.
7.10 Promote patient awareness of the range of services available at the surgery and help patients to access/use such services more effectively.
7.11 Any other issues that pertain to patients.
8. Signed agreement
These Terms of Reference were adopted by The Staunton Group Practice PPG at the meeting held at Morum House on 14th February 2019 and may be reviewed according to emerging needs,
These Terms of Reference were adopted by PPG at the meeting held at Morum House on 14th February, 2019 and may be reviewed according to emerging needs.