PPG: Meeting Minutes 7th December 2022



  • Date: 7th December 2022
  • Time: 3:00pm via Teams
  • Attendees: Ingrid Babcock (IB) Patricia Idusogie (PI) PM Hurley Ashok Jadeja (AJ) Adrienne Banks (AB) Dr George Zumbadze (GZ)Hurley Esther Meyerson (EM) Chair  John Rokos (JR)  Jud Barker (JB) Mary  Weaving (MW) Sheila Connellan (SC) Hurley Sioux Thorn (ST) Hurley Sue Hunter (SH)
    Unless otherwise stated, attendees are PPG members

Agenda Items

Welcome & Apologies: (EM)

EM welcomed all to the meeting.  Apologies were received from Gary Beard, John Hadley, Mandy Oliver & Viv

Approval of Minutes of the last meeting (EM)

Last meeting minutes agreed.

Can be published

Looking for PPG volunteers to look at the Website to make it more inclusive for patients.  JB happy to be part of the working group.

Practice Updates (GB, SC, ST & PI)

Matters arising from the last meeting:

a. Notes from the last meeting:

  • To add apologies from JB.
  • To add Christine Sheringham to the attendees 
  • EM requested that we remove Val Cummings and Victorian Martineau as they are no longer members.
  • It was requested minutes and other correspondence should be sent out as a blind copyy to protect patient confidentiality
  • Acronyms should spelled out so it makes it easy to understand. 
  • Identify patient attendee and practice staff
  • A suggestion was made to have supporting paperwork with the agenda.
  • Only documents that have been agreed past the “draft stage” can be added to the website.

Practice Report

Telephone/calls. PI is willing to share the document with the PPG members if they are interested.

  • Practice Nurse Lara has resigned. New Practice Nurse has been appointed and she is due to start in January. We will continue with the recruitment process. . 
  • We are also recruiting for an Advance Nurse Practitioner post.
  • Salaried GP Vacant Post – continued recruitment.
  • Clinical appointment quotas are made up with a multi-skilled clinical team e.g. GPs, Physician Associates, Social Prescriber, Clinical Pharmacist, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Practice Nurse, and a Physio Therapist. 
  • We have a Physician Associate who started with us and we have another one joining soon.  The Physician Associates can see and treat minor aliments and deal with on the day need. 
  • A question was asked if there was a Dr Matthews in the practice? If the hospital letter is addressed to Dr Matthews at the practice would the letter be dealt with. The answer is yes; the practice will deal with all practice correspondence that is received.
  • Reception Staff – we have recruited 1 new full-time staff member and we are in the process of recruiting more staff.

CQC Report

  • PPG request that members in the group are sent either the link or reports by email.
  • CQC action plan to be sent with minutes
  • The chair praised the Practice on the report 
  • The patient ratings were based on the previous 12 months of which the Hurley Group were only there for 1/12th of the time. We hope that the improvements we have made and are making will be reflective in the next patient survey.

Terms of Reference

  • Patricia, Ingrid and Ashok were to look at it
  • The ToR document was sent for feedback
  • EM requested that the group share any feedback or comments they have with Ingrid, Ashok, Esther and Patricia. The comments are to be sent in for approval before the next meeting.

Proposed Reporting of patient Concerns

  • It was suggested that it would be useful to look at how well we are doing and how to improve.
  • EM to send her proposal to the PPG members to look at and then share with Patricia to decide what to agree on.
  • EM has volunteered to draft a template. 

Pharmacy Referrals – information for patients

  • Some patients have raised concerns when being referred to the community pharmacy service. Some report that they have been referred back to their GP. The experience of patients attending the pharmacy, is the fact that they are being referred to back to the practice.  The practice to look into this. 
  • The staff have list of the type of aliments that can be referred to or can be offered by the the Community Pharmacy services

Pre-Diabetic event held on the 17th of November – update

  • Invites to this event were based on a search of patients A search was ran of patients who might be at risk of type 2 diabetes. 86 patients were invited to the invite based on the search and 10 patients attended.
  • A text message was sent to the patients inviting them to the event, our Turkish patients were sent a text message in Turkish so they would understand and not be left out.
  • The aim of the event was to provide practical advice and tips on what patients can do to reduce their risk. 
  • 3 organisations were invited to help provide information and support  
  • To the attendees, the organisations where Haringey GP Federation Diabetic Services Group, One You Haringey & Wellbeing Walks.
  • The plan is to have similar events in the Spring with the support of the PPG.

PPG Questions

  • Will we be able to book a face to face appointment? The practice will be offering more face to face appointments starting Monday the 12th of December. 60% of the appointments will be face to face, 40% will be telephone consultations. 
  • This will be monitored over the next few weeks. Timeframe of opening all appointments will be dependant on further health issues e.g. epidemics etc
  • Online bookings- will these be coming back? This is being reviewed currently in line with the increase of the face to face appointments.  The PPG have requested that there are a planned and accurate communications to patients as to when it happens. 
  • How do patients book their Flu vaccines Patients can book their appointments online where patients have been invited for text messaging. 
  • Out of hours service – experience was given of not been able to obtain an appointment. 
  • Online access apps – the question was asked if the practice could provide information of which app or platform patients could use or choose from. Staunton Group Practice is recommending the NHS APP.
  • A question was asked about the myGP app. The question was, is this a platform whereby the practice sends messages to patients? myGP is a medical app that provides patients with direct access to services with their own GP surgery. It provides the option for patients to book/cancel appointments, order repeat prescriptions, manage your medicines as well as receive alerts and track your health. Apps are based on who makes them and timing of release to the NHS. There are several apps that offer similar options and some patients may wish to choose their preference based on the options they provide. It was suggested that changes to apps are communicated to patients. 
  • Is there a business plan or practice strategy of the practice for patients to understand what is in development?  Yes, it is what we would like to be able to develop along with the PPG. Together with the PPG we will be looking at those topics and timelines. As a way forward, the strategic plan for the practice/PPG would be a to look at things such as the patient apps, appointments, how to book appointments, to be more proactive in where we would like to be. 
  • Would the practice consider having a patient on the staff interview panel? Confidentiality would be an issue for consideration. 


  • Wood Green Diagnostic Centre: Why are our patients not been referred there?  4 patients asked to be referred and were told to go elsewhere.  Esther to share the patients name (with their permission) with Patricia to look into.
  • How quickly are reports received from North Middlesex hospital?  How would a patient chase this up? Every letter that is sent to the practice, a copy of the letter is sent to the patient to. Most letters from the hospitals are sent electronically, but there are still a few that are sent by post.  The practice can raise a quality alert if thre are repeat or serious issues.

Next meetings

January 25th, 2023 @ 3pm via Teams