PPG: Meeting Minutes 21st February 2024



  • Date: 21st February 2024
  • Time: 3:00pm via Zoom
  • Attendees: Adrienne Banks (AB), Ashok Jadeja (AJ), John Rokos (JR), Ingrid Babcock (IB), Louise Regan (LR), Patricia Idusogie (PI) PM Hurley, Patrick Maher (PM), Mary Weaving (MW) (acting Chair)
    Unless otherwise stated, attendees are PPG members

Agenda Items

Welcome & Apologies: (MW)

MW welcomed all to the meeting. No apologies were received.


Approval of Minutes of the last meeting 

The previous meeting minutes for the December 6th, 2024, meeting was
discussed and agreed


Practice Report

  • Phone data for December 2023 we were at 73.60% of answered calls and in January 2024, our answered call percentage was 71.2%, it has been very busy, as we had lots of patients coming in for the flu vaccine as well as Pneumococcal vaccine. With the increase of Measles outbreak, patients are calling to find out if they can obtain the vaccine. 
  • Staffing. We employed two new reception staff, who joined us a few weeks ago, a full-time staff and a part time staff. The staff have completed all mandatory training and they both going through induction as neither of them has worked in a GP Surgery before. They are very eager to learn, which is promising.
  • QOF Targets. each GP surgery is giving targets to ensure that patients with underlining conditions are seen for reviews and followed up. So far, we are doing very well with our targets in comparison to last year at this time. This is an area that CQC and the commissions pay close attention to. We have till March 31st,2024 to complete the work. MW had asked what the process entails. The process involves contacting patients for reviews, whether it a diabetic review, Hypertension review medication review, Asthma or COPD reviews, Learning disability reviews, Heart failure reviews, immunisation for children, for adults such as Shingles, flu vaccines, Pneumococcal etc. Many of the patients do not turn up for the reviews, so we need text and recall the patients to attend. We have special clinics set up for these reviews. Our goal is to meet our target.

MW asked how we compared to the previous year. PI stated that we started the process early, we have set up extra clinics, such a Saturday Smear and flu clinic, extra clinic for blood test for the learning disability patients, we outlined how the workload should be divided. The QOF targets are reviewed and discussed at every clinical meeting. We discuss a workaround on how to address patients who not responding to the invite.

PI mentioned that we had been many patients declining the flu jab this year and it could be due to numerous COVID vaccines. We sent out three invite reminders, but many patients declined.

MW asked if flu vaccines given at the local pharmacy help our targets. PI stated it does count towards our targets.

AJ asked what happens when we do not meet the target, do we get penalised. If we fail to meet our targets, the commissioners will want to know why, because it would mean that we are not providing care to patients with long term conditions whose health needs to be managed.

IB asked when patients decline the flu jab is it noted anywhere. PI said it is not on the patients’ medical records that they have declined. The text message we send out allows patients to respond. The response they provide goes directly into their medical records. IB asked if the patients provide a reason for declining. Most patients send a text message saying they have declined some patients simply statethat they are not interested getting the flu vaccine. 

  • Recruitment. We have an advert out for a salary GP as we still need another salaried GP. MW had stated that the number of the GP’s showing on the website was fewer and she wanted to know why. PI explained that the Web Site will only list GP’s who are salaried or permanent staff. GPs like Dr Camatchee who is a seasonal GP and has worked at Staunton for 3 years, would not be listed on the web site because she is not permanent staff.
  • Premises. MW asked about the refurbishment of the Practice, when is the work going to start? The staff have also inquired about the refurbishment, we do not know when it is going to start. Sioux (Operations manager) had done a walk around with one the NHSE properties staff as we are not happy at long this process is taking. The matter has been taken up by NHSE and the property owners. So hopefully, there should be progress with the building work plan.

Muscular Skeletal Community Services in North Central London

Andrienne spoke about the NCL Musculoskeletal review as she attended a meeting. Andrienne explained that NCL involved the 5 boroughs for those who do not know, which Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey Islington. NCL is planning a centralised Hub where people with MSK can be referred. It is for conditions like arthritics, rheumatoid arthritics or those needing physiotherapy. It was discovered through research that the is no equality of treatment within the 5 boroughs. You will have better care in Camden than you will get in Barnet. Barnet does not have proper MSK treatment options. These meeting is to ensure that the is equality of treatment and after treatment that they obtain the home care they need. Slides were sent in  February. The plan is to have a single care pathway and make the process as easy as possible.

The final decision comes down to finance available.


Digital Inclusion Leaflet

Haringey GP Federation is providing a Digital Inclusion Health Service. This is for people struggling with online healthcare access. The new service will help patients who do not have phones, laptops or struggle using the internet in accessing online health services.

The service will show patients how to book online appointments, use the NHS App, or Patient Access App, how to order prescriptions and access other local health services. Those who are interested will need to complete a survey with the service Care Navigator. Those who do not have their own device can attend a one-to-one  session with the Care Navigator at the following libraries.

Hornsey library, Wood Green Library or Marcus Garvey Library. 

For anyone who has questions the contact number is 07389 081622 between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday or you could email: nclicb.dihealthservice@nhs.net



PM one of the PPG members asked when would conduct a face-to-face meeting. Another PPG member had sent me an email asking the same question. We would discuss offline. The time and date to be confirmed.

MW had asked if we could spruce up the PPG minutes. The PPG minutes are placed on our website, so we need to ensure it is formal, we can certainly spruce the minutes placed on the notice board in the surgery.


Next meetings

 April 24th, 2024 at 3pm via ZOOM